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#399 Derivatchija 57mm fighting module model 2015             
         for Trumpeter BMP-3 kits #365,1530,1531,1532,1534
           most details 3D printed             
           US$20.00  weight 65 g


#398 Czech/Slovak  AMB-S MedEvac              for Trumpeter BMP-1 kits                     US$25.00  weight 110 g


#416 R-330KMV  Command Post for JAM HF/VHF/UHF communications            
         US$ 77.00 shipping weight 310


#7208 Syrian AMB-S MedEvacconversion for S-Model 720041 BMP-1 kit          
          US$10.00  weight 50g


#7209 Czech/Slovak  AMB-S MedEvac
conversion for S-Model 720041 BMP-1 kit                   
US$10.00  weight 50 g

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