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1/72 scale conversions for BMP-1,BTR-60/80/SA-6 kits

1/72 scale conversion sets
#7201 BRM-1K Commander Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle
early type conversion for S-Model 720041 BMP-1 kit
US$6.00 weight 35 g
#7202 BRM-1K Commander Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle
middle type conversion for S-Model 720041 BMP-1 kit US$6.00 weight 35 g
#7203 BRM-1K Commander Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle
late type conversion for S-Model 720041 BMP-1 kit US$6.00 weight 35 g
#7204 PRP-4"Nard"(1V121) artillery reconnaissance vehicle
conversion for S-Model PS720041 BMP-1 kit
US$6.00 weight 35 g

1/72 scale

#7205 1V18/1V19 artillery command vehicle for ICM 72911 BTR-60PB kit
US$7.00 weight 35 g

1/72 scale

#7206 BTR-80R-439BK1 SatCom
for trumpeter 7267 BTR-80 kit US$8.25 weight 45 g

1/72 scale
#7207 3M9M3 missiles(3) for Trumpeter 1/72 SA-6 kit
US$ 6.00 weight 30 gr.

#7208 Syrian AMB-S MedEvacconversion for S-Model 720041 BMP-1 kit
US$10.00 weight 50g

#7209 Czech/Slovak AMB-S MedEvac
conversion for S-Model 720041 BMP-1 kit
US$10.00 weight 50 g
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